Strength & Conditioning
What is it?
- This program is for year 6 Athletes.
- Program goal: to develop the physical capabilities of the participants via a Foundational Strength & Conditioning program.
- The program is aligned with the Youth Physical Development model (See image below) and Resistance Training for Children & Youth: A position stand from the Australian S&C Association.
How it works:
- All athletes are screened and tested in their 1st session.
- Following screening, testing and a review of athletic/sports specific goals their strength program is designed.
- All athletes attend 1h of supervised small group sessions / week.
- Sessions are either:
- Monday 315-4pm.
- Class sizes are capped at 6.
- We review and monitor individual progress at every session.
Session format:
- Each session includes warm-up, mobility, skill acquisition, power/strength and stretching.
- Every session each athlete records strength program progress notes (exercise/sets/reps/recovery/additional notes).
- $39 p/ week. Paid in full at the commencement of the term.
Additonal info:
- If the athlete wants additional individual performance coaching for their sports specific goal(s) please contact either Claire or Jeremy to arrange an individual appointment.
- Overseeing the sessions, athletes progress and programming is Jeremy Rae:
- Accredited Exercise Physiologist (University of Sydney, 2002) – Member Exercise & Sports Science Australia;
- Strength & Conditioning (S&C) Coach – Qualifications have been completed with:
- National Strength & Conditioning Assoc. – Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (2007) &
- Australian Strength & Conditioning Assoc. L2 (2013).
Youth Physical Development model: