Program – aim to complete M/W/F.

As per ‘testing’ do an easy 5-10min aerobic warm up on stationary bike followed by your usual ‘dryland’ mobility exercises.

Complete in order shown:

Front Squat – 1×5 @ 30k with 30s rest > 1×5 40k with 60s rest > Back Squat –  Working sets: 2 (5 @ 60k THEN 6 Box Jumps – 24″ box) with 120s rest.

THEN  one more set of Box Jump1×6.

Push press – 1×5 @ 20k with 30s rest > 1×5 25k with 60s rest > Working sets: 3×6 @ 27.5k with 90s rest.

Hex DL – 1×5 @ 35k with 30s rest > 1×5 55k with 60s rest > Working set: 1×6 @ 65k.

Banded Chin up – 4×8 with 60s rest.

Sled push – 4x10m @ 70k with 60s rest.


If you need less rest, the weight is too light.

Aim to add/ fortnight:

0.5kg to Push Press.

1.0kg to Squat and DL.

Lighter band for chin ups.

1kg to Sled.


Week 0/4/8: Complete the following. 

1. Do an easy 5-10min aerobic warm up on stationary bike followed by your usual ‘dryland’ mobility exercises.

2. Complete in order shown

3. For the 1st 3 exercises –  complete a warmup set of 5 reps (1×5) @ 40% of ‘hoped weight’ / take 60s then > 1×3 @ 60% / take 60s then > 1×3 85% /take 60s then TESTING 1×6 100% – record. 

4. For Chin ups & Sled push perform 2 x 50% efforts / take 60s between. 

Refer to videos. Open in youtube to see how to / coaching cues.

Testing results: 

Week 0 (14/6/24): BB Squat 60kg – 6. Z press 25kg – 6. Hex DL 70kg – 6. Chin ups – 3. Sled push 65kg.

Week 4 (29/7/24): BB Squat 70kg – 6. Z press 27.5kg – 6. Hex DL 80kg – 6. Chin ups – 5. Sled push 90kg.

Week 8 (30/8/24 – Final testing > New programming).

*Week 13 (1/10/24): BB Squat 72.5 kg – 6. Z press 27.5kg – 6. Hex DL 85kg – 6. Chin ups – 6. Sled push 90kg.

Email test results to me 😎

Move Well. Be Strong.